Express Prescription Refills

Support a Local Pharmacy

Support Your Local Pharmacy

Support a Local Pharmacy

Benefits of a Local Pharmacy

My name is Rachel LaCroix, and I am the manager and vice president of the company. My dad, in 1982, decided he wanted to buy a local pharmacy. My mom was 6 months pregnant with me when he came home and said, “Hey, I’m going to quit my job and open this pharmacy.”

I love the possibility of helping people everyday and what I can do for them. We’ll take our time and call the doctor for prescription refills and prior authorization. If their co-pay is high, they will know about it before they come to the store. If they are out of refills, need a new prescription, or even if we’re out of the medication, we’re going to call them and let them know before they make it to the store. You’re not going to wait days for your prescription. You’re going to get it that day. If there is any kind of issue, you’re going to know about it before you get to the store. Anytime you can shop local and buy from the small guy rather than the Big Box, you’re putting it back into this community, not sending it out to wherever their headquarters are. Our headquarters are here in Central Louisiana.

I like working in a small town and having a small business, because you get to know your customers. You know what’s happening in their lives, know what they like to do, and know all about their kids; we had a customer in Ball who came in and even showed us her prom dress before she left. You really get ingrained in their day to day lives. You just take one customer and patient at a time and do what you can to make their lives better and easier.

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